16 September, 2008

Virgin Blog

This is the umpteenth time I have written this first sentence. I do the same thing when I write essays for uni.. I write, erase, and re-write over and over again worrying that it doesn't sound smart enough, wondering if I've addressed the issue properly and stressing out about what the lecturer thinks of my work. It shouldn't be about that. Uni should be a learning experience not a 'fast track to a stomach ulcer' as one witty friend put it.

I started this blog as an outlet for all the things racing around in my brain so the last thing I need to be doing is stressing out about what the world thinks of my ramblings. There are enough bloggers out there striving to be the most witty, intelligent and edgy, like their blog will earn them a book deal or the equivalent 15 minutes of fame.

With that in mind I selected an image from my archives that I felt to be the most appropriate thing to start off this blog (and is guaranteed to always make me smile). This is Wilbur. The dog not the leg. He is loyal, cuddly, naughty and in desperate need of a hair cut, but ultimately one of the best things I ever purchased. Is it so bad that I love my dog more than I like most people?

He is one of the reasons I get up in the morning.. mostly because he is standing on my chest licking my face and demanding to be taken outside for his early morning toilette.

He is one of the reasons I drag myself off to work everyday.. to pay for the premium dog food, treats, flea treatments, toys, worming tablets, vaccination shots and more treats.

He inspires me to be creative and that's what I want this blog to be about.. It's also entirely possible that Wilbur will appear in this blog frequently so it makes sense to introduce him here. I'm not sure where this blog will take me, but I'm keen enough to come back tomorrow and have another crack at it.

Until then, use ample punctuation and borrow a dictionary if need be.


Black is not a colour.